Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Well, this will be my last addition to the blog before we depart from China. We did a little shopping this morning - trying to spend the last of our yuans. Then we went to the pool and soaked up a little of the last of the China sun. It was a hot but not so humid day. At 3 we boarded a bus to go to the US embassy just to change buses because we had a flat tire. It was pretty melodramatic. We all - the adoptive families - had to stand, raise our right hand, swear all our paperwork was true and well, that's all. We received Reese's official paperwork and her visa and were told that she would be a US citizen as soon as we touch down at Detroit and go thru immigration. YEAH!!
I guess she is stuck with us now!!
there will be a lot of adoptive families on our flight so I am sure everyone will sympathize with each family as their child takes their turn screaming.
Hopefully the adjustment period doesn't take too long once we get home. Thursday morning my sister is having a c-section and I am going to be able to be back to be her nurse!! We are all excited about that. Reese will, I am sure, freak out when I leave but my family will bring her to the hospital as soon as they can. This is so important to myself and my sister - someday Reese will understand.
Pray for safe and fast travel and that the kids sleep a lot!

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