Sunday, June 10, 2007

It is Sunday and pretty laid back here. We decided to stay at the hotel today for a few reasons. The city is insane with cars, mopeds and pedestrians and the food at the hotel seems to better than outside restaurants. The place we went last night had chicken that was mostly bones and skin. It is also so smoggy outside it burns your eyes to be out for more than a few seconds. We get Reese tomorrow morning at 10:30 just down the road. (if we don't get squished on the way) Kendall was talking in her sleep last night about her! Our lives are about to drastically change for the better. I got an email from the director of Hope Foster Home that she has a scrapbook of Reese's that she wants to send to us. what a cool thing. I am sure not everyone adopting from China gets something that special.
We are planning on swimming at the hotel in a little bit and than having dinner at Mamma Mia's in the hotel also. Maybe Kendall will find something to eat that she likes. She is doing so awesome and I am so proud of her.
Stay tuned for gotcha day tomorrow!!
Here are some pictures of our hotel, outside the hotel and the smog!

1 comment:

Cheryl said...

We are watching from Michigan, I will check in the morning for a picture. I was happy to see you arrived safely. It looks like your having fun. We are all praying for you. Give Kendall hugs and kisses for us. I am so excited for you. Lots of love-