Friday, May 11, 2007

I have been tagged by my friend Keisha!!! She says that I have to reveal 7 things about myself - and since we are traveling the same adoption journey AND she helped lead us to Reese - I suppose I have to oblige!!! :) So, here we go...

1. I hate being the center of attention. It is all about blending in for me...although I may be throwing that out the window with a blond hair, blue eyed child that is my clone, Miss Reese and the draw to adopt from Ethiopia next!

2. The people that I work with say that I am too calm in stressful situations. Ok, so a life is slipping away and I am supposed to scream and run out of the room? Don't worry, I am truly freaking out inside!!

3. I am a sucker for guns. No, not the kind that kill, the kind on a man's upper arms!! My legs just quiver! (don't tell Jeff)

4. I would love to totally renovate a run down house, that is of course if I had unlimited funds - HA!

5. My dream is to be married on a beach. And I am not even a romantic!

6. I am starting to like pink. I know this is a shock to you all - especially Kendall who lives in pink!

7. Finally, I am not so fond of traveling - then why am I going to be on a plane for 20+ hours in less than a month and than away from home for 2 weeks? God is calling me and I will answer....

1 comment:

Keisha said...

Thanks Merideth!!! I hope that dream beach wedding comes true girl!!! Hey, I told another friend that is traveling with us to think this...
On Mother's Day(or day after)---TA NEWS!!!
On Father's Day---We'll be in CHINA BABY!!!!!
;-) I can't wait!!!!!!
