Thursday, April 3, 2008

Easter has come and gone and spring is finally starting to arrive. The daffodils are popping up and the girls are able to play outside now and then. Reese has received her Baja hearing aids and is really liking it. She can do so much more with the Baja without it falling off like her other one did. She is wearing it on a sort of headband until she has her titanium screws placed. She yells "don't toucha my hearing aid!" if anyone tries to adjust it. The ENT looked at her CT scan and noted that she has huge hollow spaces behind her ear. If he were to try to open the ear canal she would have a gaping hole inside her head. So all the more reason for us to just do the Baja and not worry about the cosmetic part of her ears. She is a fiesty little boogger - she will deal well with anyone that decides to "comment" on her ears. The office is in the process of setting up her surgery and getting the ok from the insurances. They are able to do the two - tonsils and Baja screws - together. The surgery will last about 3.5 hours. Hopefully it is before summer so that it doesn't interfere with her love of swimming!
Enjoy the Easter pictures!

1 comment:

Keisha said...

Oh my Goodness!! You are right! I love it!! Wow, she is growing up so fast! Both of your girls are Beautiful!! Just a Beautiful Family!! ;0)
I'm glad to hear that she is doing well with the new aides, & I'll be praying about her upcoming surgery.
Love in His name,

ps. it's hard to believe that it's been almost a year since we went to China..???? Seems like they've been with us forever!!
God has Blessed us Both, Girlfriend!