Sunday, February 10, 2008

Here is the latest medical update....We saw Dr. Daniels a few weeks ago - ENT - and he gave us 3 options. #1 - we can leave Reese's ears as they are. #2 - we can have prosthetic ears made for her which would look fairly real but would have to be redone every couple years because of fading, etc. and would be screwed into her head. #3 - we can have cosmetic surgery done in which cartilage would be taken from her ribs and skin grafts from her inner arm with a minimum of 10 surgeries to remake her ears. With all three of these options she would still most likely need a hearing aid. The aid that they would use would be a Baja. It has small titanium screws that go into her head right behind her ears. The hearing aid then just snaps on to the screws. This is far better than the one she has because it is bilateral. After much consideration and wisdom from Kendall - "Dear Jesus, help us to remember that you made Reese's ears like they are for a reason" - we have decided to leave her ears as they are, since she is a girl and can wear her hair down, and get the Baja. Reese had a CT scan done this past Thursday to determine the thickness of her skull and to check out her inner ears. Our next step is to have the screws put in. The doctor also wants to remove her tonsils and adenoids. she is a very restless sleeper and has a very narrow throat. He thinks she will breathe much better if we do the surgery. So, hopefully they can do the 2 surgeries together!
On a different note, we were able able to go to a Chinese New Year Gala last night. It brought back a lot of memories of China. There was singing, dancing, martial arts and acting. The girls loved it. Here are some pictures of the girls all dressed up for the Gala.

1 comment:

Keisha said...

Hey Merideth!
Thanks for the update. I'll be praying for her during all of this. I think yall made the best decision.
Both of your girls are Beautiful!!