Monday, June 25, 2007
We have been home a few days now and I think that we may have finally recovered from jetlag. It was pretty wicked the first couple days. We felt dizzy all the time. Kendall was waking up at 2:30 am and I would have to make her stay up all day. By Saturday she said she thought she felt like an American again. but then today we all slept until 11...even Reese. I am used to being tired but that was the extreme. Reese seems to be adjusting well. At times I can walk away for a minute or two and she doesn't panic. And she will let Ama hold her as long as she knows where I am. yesterday she took right to my niece, Lexi, and wanted to be held by her a lot. No complaints here. She has been taking naps which is nice for me - gives me a little break. Last night she slept in her own bed instead of on Kendall's floor. She has been sleeping quite well since she got on an antibiotic. She still has a cough and runny nose but no fever since Saturday. She loves to take walks thru the neighborhood in her jogger stroller which we call her cadillac! She just doesn't want to get out of it. We need to break her of the fact that no one can push it but me. Kendall and Reese played in the sprinkler in their clothes last night and had a riot after we convinced her that it was ok to get her clothes wet with mom's permission. She is doing well with Ellie - just yells "no" when she gets too close.
Our next feat is to get her to fall asleep without me in the room at night and for naps. she won't let Jeff hold her yet unless they are playing but she does follow him around. In good time I am sure.
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Well, this will be my last addition to the blog before we depart from China. We did a little shopping this morning - trying to spend the last of our yuans. Then we went to the pool and soaked up a little of the last of the China sun. It was a hot but not so humid day. At 3 we boarded a bus to go to the US embassy just to change buses because we had a flat tire. It was pretty melodramatic. We all - the adoptive families - had to stand, raise our right hand, swear all our paperwork was true and well, that's all. We received Reese's official paperwork and her visa and were told that she would be a US citizen as soon as we touch down at Detroit and go thru immigration. YEAH!!
I guess she is stuck with us now!!
there will be a lot of adoptive families on our flight so I am sure everyone will sympathize with each family as their child takes their turn screaming.
Hopefully the adjustment period doesn't take too long once we get home. Thursday morning my sister is having a c-section and I am going to be able to be back to be her nurse!! We are all excited about that. Reese will, I am sure, freak out when I leave but my family will bring her to the hospital as soon as they can. This is so important to myself and my sister - someday Reese will understand.
Pray for safe and fast travel and that the kids sleep a lot!
I guess she is stuck with us now!!
there will be a lot of adoptive families on our flight so I am sure everyone will sympathize with each family as their child takes their turn screaming.
Hopefully the adjustment period doesn't take too long once we get home. Thursday morning my sister is having a c-section and I am going to be able to be back to be her nurse!! We are all excited about that. Reese will, I am sure, freak out when I leave but my family will bring her to the hospital as soon as they can. This is so important to myself and my sister - someday Reese will understand.
Pray for safe and fast travel and that the kids sleep a lot!
Monday, June 18, 2007
Today I was stuck in the room until 1200 because our coordinator took all our paperwork to the US Embassy and I needed to be available in case she had questions. At quarter to 12 the phone rang. Reese's visa picture wasn't acceptable - they couldn't see her ears (or lack of). So we had to trudge down to the "photo" place to have another one taken. Oh well. We took it easy all day and hung out at the pool to soak up a little sun..of course it started raining after a while. Reese played with Kendall and let her take her under the waterfall. Brave girl. She wanted to do it over and over. At least she is finally leaving my side. She will run down the hall in front of me and doesn't always have to hold my hand. Very nice for me!! We still have our daily temper tantrums but we just ignore them.
Only one day left to kill. We will go the embassy for the oath ceremony at 4. Then time to pack up. We are trying to figure out how much after transportation and food we need to spend on gifts since we can't trade our money back from yuans. Nothing like having to spend money!!
The island that we are staying on is so much better than Zhengzhou. We don't have to pray for our lives when we cross the street and we dare eat the food. But I can't say that I will miss any of it. I love America more and more and feel so bad for the children that have no hope. The poverty here is unbelievable. Maybe that is why the kids wear split pants?? I hope that someday Reese understands how lucky she is. God is looking out for her.
Sunday, June 17, 2007
Today was a free day so we did some shopping after breakfast - in the rain. It was fun though. At one point we got caught in a torrential downpour and a store owner came out with her umbrella to save us. I am sure it was partly to get us in her store but that was ok. She gave us some good deals on some silk outfits for the girls. 5 dollars each in US money. We then ate a late lunch - early dinner and went on the Pearl River Cruise. It was a neat way to see more of the city and the lights.
I cursed myself and said that Reese hadn't had a temper tantrum all day - then one started 5 minutes later. I am sure she was tired but she was testing me and of course, didn't get her way and we go. At least they don't last as long now. ( I should knock on wood) I think that she is finally starting to get that mama doesn't give in. I always win!!! (ask Kendall) She is actually laying down right now without me trying to fall asleep. Every day is a little better. She is blowing kisses to us, loves zerberts, tells everyone bye bye when anyone leaves - even the elevator woman, understands no and usually listens, and says thank you, please and help in english and sign language. She even let mom pick her up to look out the window. I think my arms are finally recovering from the first few days of carrying her everywhere. I am dreading the plane ride still - but she takes benedryl like a champ so hopefully that will save us. Also I know that she is going to lose it when she has to go in the carseat at home. The cars and vans here don't even have seatbelts and the kids just walk around. Many people have the kids on the mopeds and bikes with them just hanging on to their waists. Crazy!! so we are planning some good bribes for awhile. Feel free to offer suggestions.
Reese is asleep now - all on her own!!
Blessings to all. Happy Fathers Day
Saturday, June 16, 2007
so, today we got Reese's picture taken for the visa - she was the only one that smiled. Then we went for her physical exam. they herd the adopted kids in like cattle, station to station. Two doctors came and listened to her heart. That made me a little nervous but I guess everything is ok. I don't have my stethescope with me. Then at the ENT check the doctor checked her hearing and it was excellent - yeah. then they looked in her mouth and said "oh"! My heart kind of dropped until she said "good teeth!" that must be unusual here. All this was followed by a ton of paperwork.
this afternoon we went to the pearl and jade market. It was 2 floors of lots of different stones and jewelry. We may have purchased a few things??
Reese is starting to venture off without me. We have joining rooms with mom and dad and she will go in there and play without me. But she still has to come back and jabber to me about all that is going on. She did nap today which she needed but it is now 930 and she won't sleep. What to do tomorrow??
Only 4 more days until we head home.
one of the pictures shown is outside our hotel window...
Friday, June 15, 2007
We are now in Guangzhou and I am a new woman. The flight went well, Reese ate the airline food most of the time and that kept her busy. Our hotel is gorgeous with a water fall in the middle and 2 outdoor swimming pools. Maybe I can catch up on my tan? We have nicknamed Reese Fozzie bear because all I can understand is "wacka, wacka". The girl talks non stop - and we thought Kendall was bad!! It is so nice to be around some American people. There are several adoptive families here and it is great conversation. I really thought I was going to lose it in Zhengzhou. We took a tour of the island when we got here and saw lots of shops to go to. We then walked along the Pearl river and ate at Lucy's. Great food finally. Actually the girls had peanut butter and jelly and fries and I had grilled cheese - but it was so good. It was nice to feel full. I think I have lost a few pounds. I put on some shorts the other day and they fell to my knees! Anyhow, Reese gave us the thumbs up to Lucy's as you can see in one of the pictures.
I forgot to mention the other day that when we were at the orphanage the accountant tried to get us to pay more money for REese than the original donation fee. Our travel coordinator Helen really advocated for us and argued for over 30 minutes with them. We didn't understand a word of it but new there was trouble. We only ended up paying a few more yuan.
Tomorrow we go to get her visa and have her medical appt. At least it is something to do... then we shop til we drop and eat and swim in the sun. It might be almost like a vacation. We miss you all at home and are ready to return to the states though.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Today was pretty uneventful. It rained last night so it was a little cooler today - but still nothing much to do. We went for a little walk this morning and Reese still won't let anyone push her but me. She screams until she can scream no more. It gets a little old. she is testing me a lot but she has yet to win. She has quite a temper - maybe we should change her name to Angel and she would calm down.
Helen got Reese's passport today. Now we can head out tomorrow.
One last day of swimming at the Crowne Plaza Hotel. Reese was floating on her back today. She tried to put her head under while on her back but quickly found out that water would go up her nose. Ouch!!
I have no idea how the plane ride will go tomorrow. It is about a 2 hour flight. Kendall does great. Hopefully Reese is like her sister in that too. She always seems like she needs a nap, but we are just in too crammed of a place to enforce it.
speaking of being like her sister. Reese wanted me to fix her hair before she was even out of bed today. Ridiculous.
Pray for a safe trip tomorrow!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Another free day and it has been long. We went to the park after breakfast hoping it wouldn't be so hot - wrong! Reese would not walk so I had to carry her everywhere. I am sure that is part of the bonding process but I thought that I would have a heat stroke. My face was so red. So later we went to Mcdonalds - in China - and I broke down and bought an umbrella stroller. My arms hurt so much, even though she is a little thing - I just couldn't do it anymore. Thank the Lord that she was willing to ride in it. But of course, only mama could push it!! Kendall has been taking some great pictures of our trip, from her eyes. They will be neat to develop. Kendall did mention that yesterday Reese had 4 crying spells, and only 2 (so far) today. Maybe we will not have any tomorrow? She is very strong willed and living up to her name (Reese means fiery). Maybe we should change it?
I forgot to mention yesterday, when we went to the notary office, it was like you could never imagine. We stopped in front of a building that looked like it was ready to fall down. climbed some stairs that had never been cleaned - ever! There were no lights and it was rather creepy. And the weird part, there was a school in that building! Wild stuff - that I care not to experience again. God bless America!!!
2 days ago, Reese would only sit on the side of the pool and panicked if her suit got wet. yesterday she jumped in and was putting her face in. Today she walked off from me and figured out how to float in a tube. she has no fear of water. She falls in, goes under and comes up laughing.
We don't have anything to do until Friday when we fly out to Guangzhou. Helen will pick up Reese's passport tomorrow. We are getting a little stir crazy here.
( Reese just helped me answer the door. It was housekeeping and as they handed her some cookies she said "thank you" in English and sign language. )
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
what an eventful day. Reese slept good last night,only waking to use the bathroom. we left the hotel at 8 am to go to the city where the orphanage is. it was about an hour and a half drive in, of course, crazy traffic. As we got close to the orphanage, Reese said that she was close to home - how heart breaking. The accountant wasn't there so we had to go to the notary office first. Reese was so confused and threw multiple temper tantrums. I think that the grief is setting in. She would just sit on my lap and scream and cry unconsolubly whenever I would tell her no about hitting or kicking. It is hard to tolerate when I am so tired but at least she is expressing her grief. How tramatic for her. Wondering if this mom will leave her too? We were told that she was taken from her foster family 10 days ago and has been at the orphanage until yesterday. Then we go back there today??? Poor baby. please keep us all in your prayers as we practice patience. She did play a little with dad today and when I really just needed a few minutes to myself mom and dad took her to the park. After the initial cry, she was fine. Thank goodness because my arms are killing me from carrying her.
The child can eat like a horse. Obviously her portions have been small because we are at the table waiting for her long after we are all done. Her skin and hair are not real healthy looking from, I am sure, lack of proper nutrition.
Yesterday we went down to the pool and she would only stick her feet in the whirlpool and freaked out when her suit got wet! she cannot stand it if her clothes are dirty or wet. The Terpstra came out in her today because she jumped in the whirlpool, played in the bubbles and even put her face in. What will tomorrow bring? Freestyle across the pool with Kendall?
Speaking of Kendall, Reese is just like her. She is picky about her clothes, talks in her sleep and even made me stop on the sidewalk to fix her hair! Help us all!!The one picture is of the orphanage.
No big plans tomorrow - but I will send some pictures.
Monday, June 11, 2007
Reese is now with us and after the initial trauma of the separation she is doing well. We found out that she has been back at the orphanage for 10 days. She kicked and screamed when they gave her to me and was temporarily won over by a sucker. Once we left the building she was fine but would not let me put her down. We had to get a picture taken of her and I down the street and it was quite stinky on the way with sewage in the puddles. her first English word that she caught on to was "yuck". after they took our picture and were developing it on the screen she saw us and said "mama". Oh how my heart soared!! We went to the park afterward and bought water and sprite for the girls. she finally let me put her down than. the smog has lifted today and it is hot!! Too hot to carry a little one. She loves to take walks and hold Kendall and my hand. There is no doubt that she can hear just fine and is very smart. When we passed the building from our first meeting she recognized it. she is eating non stop and everything she sees she wants to eat. We have to hide the food in the room. she must not have gotten a lot of food at the orphanage. We have another meeting at 330 so back out in the heat. she is good about telling us she has to use the bathroom and was intrigued with the pool. Maybe we will try it later. tomorrow we will travel to see the orphanage and have more meetings. pray that we all sleep well because I am exhausted.
Sunday, June 10, 2007
It is Sunday and pretty laid back here. We decided to stay at the hotel today for a few reasons. The city is insane with cars, mopeds and pedestrians and the food at the hotel seems to better than outside restaurants. The place we went last night had chicken that was mostly bones and skin. It is also so smoggy outside it burns your eyes to be out for more than a few seconds. We get Reese tomorrow morning at 10:30 just down the road. (if we don't get squished on the way) Kendall was talking in her sleep last night about her! Our lives are about to drastically change for the better. I got an email from the director of Hope Foster Home that she has a scrapbook of Reese's that she wants to send to us. what a cool thing. I am sure not everyone adopting from China gets something that special.
We are planning on swimming at the hotel in a little bit and than having dinner at Mamma Mia's in the hotel also. Maybe Kendall will find something to eat that she likes. She is doing so awesome and I am so proud of her.
Stay tuned for gotcha day tomorrow!!
Here are some pictures of our hotel, outside the hotel and the smog!
Saturday, June 9, 2007
Well, we finally made it to Zhengzhou!! After being on the plane for way!! too long - 19 hours total - we are ready to collapse. Kendall did absolutely awesome - what a trooper. I woke up on the plane at one point and she was passed out in my lap - I didn't even know she was there. We found out that we won't get Reese until Monday but maybe God knows that we should rest a bit - or at least I should! The hotel said they will bring a crib to our room because most Chinese families have kids her age in one. We will see what she thinks. She won't have one at home. Pictures of our 5 star hotel will follow later - I have to see if I can figure that out next! Keep praying!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
Sunday, June 3, 2007
Saturday, June 2, 2007
Well, I have always said that I felt like Moses at the beginning of our adoption process. Telling God to send someone else, someone that was more prepared.... I wouldn't trade this experience for anything now! But now I feel like Job. I think that God is testing my faith. I found out this week that I will not get 70% of my pay while taking time off for Reese to bond. I thought, "ok God, I was hoping to pay the adoption off with my grants but maybe we will have to survive off that money for awhile." Then, the child support that we were receiving (that I never expected to get in the first place) stopped, as suddenly as it started, this week. That was putting an extra $800 dollars a month in our pockets. I know that God has gotten us this far and He won't let us down now - but I surely don't understand it. I praise Him for all He has done and trust that He will continue to lead us to Reese - no matter what our finances look like. Please keep us in your prayers!
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